Monday, September 30, 2019

Japanese culture Essay

1. Briefly discuss the Japanese business practices. Business traditions and practices are greatly influenced by the culture in which they function. The values of a culture help to define the underlying structure and philosophy of business. Many traditions and practices within a culture are often integrated into the country’s businesses.   Japanese culture greatly affects its business practice on all levels. It is a unique country with many distinct cultural traditions. As a result, cultural traditions tend to be uniform and community is central to daily life. Culturally, the Japanese are rather introverted in their ways, focusing on their own culture and traditions. A strong sense of community, family, and being part of a larger group and business family are central to the Japanese culture. The ritualistic traditions that are characteristic of the home environment typically spread to the social and work sphere of life. The Japanese culture maintains a very formal style of interactions. Even introducing oneself in Japan is formal in nature. Exchange of business cards is an obligatory custom at business meetings. The exchange of gifts is an accepted custom in Japan.   The Japanese bow is part of Japanese culture that expresses honor and greetings to a guest. Thus Japanese are well behaved in their business practices and try to do a lot of good stuffs which can influence the international relations. They believe in a business where trust exists. The do their level best to be recognized as nice people in the business market. 2. What is the appeal of the Japanese market for world business? The Japanese government and business leader’s marks deep changes in their market from closed to open while acknowledging its competitive nature (Shetty and Kim, 1995). They argue that all firms should understand their market and do provide the quality products and services demanded by the consumers. Large firms should offer lifetime employment, and employees may be reluctant to accept employment with foreign firms that do not. Furthermore, the firms must consider employment with a foreign company less desirable than employment with a domestic firm. It suggests that long-term relationships and mutual commitments in the market will encourage practices such as bidding and close parent company-supplier ties. â€Å"Japan appeals that the three factors to compete successfully in the world market is quality, followed by the ability to hire qualified employees and the attitudes of top corporate management.† (Shetty and Kim, 1995) Japanese focus on quality of products and services, keeping good personnel, hiring local staff, strong corporate head office with limited interference, reputation of the business, brand image, latest technology and strengthening value chain. These are some of the major deciding factors that help a firm to gain profits in the market. Besides, Japanese, have understanding of respect, they are persistent, they have perseverance and ability to develop strong global network. To increase the world business, the market should value advanced technology and innovation and should willing to try new products or technologies. Finally, establishing manufacturing and distribution facilities is a visible sign of a firm’s commitment. So the market must take care of it. But the main theme is that the market should value personal, harmonious, and long-term relationships with distributors, customers, suppliers, and employees. 3. Briefly discuss the major business trends and opportunities in Japan’s economy. Japan is the worlds second-largest and Asia’s largest economy. United States is the largest economy.   This is the only member of G8 from Asia. It is also a member of the UN Security Council on a temporary basis. In Japan the wages are highest in the world. From 1960s to1980s, there was a swift economic growth with a growth rate of 10%, 5% and 4%. The economy of Japan was in the state of turbulence in the late 1980s. The reason was falling stock and real estate prices.   By 1989 the situation turned worst. The Tokyo Stock Exchange crashed. During 1990s the country’s economic growth remained slow. The economy trend of Japan is a slightly uneven but it is continuously focusing on increasing the GDP. Japan has lot of business opportunities and it supports business activities. Eco-towns are being promoted in order to build a resource recycling-type economic society, which limits waste while encouraging recycling. Japan has developed a robust way of dealing with the pollution and completely self-sustainable industrial parks with zero emissions (JETRO). â€Å"The Kawasaki Foundation for Promotion of Industry (Kawasaki Small and Medium-Sized Business Support Centre) and KSP (Kanagawa Science Park) are providing various types of venture support, including assistance for businesses, help in establishing new enterprises, and educational research.† (JETRO)   Government is providing assistance from operations management consultation to assistance with publicity. 4.  Briefly discuss the different modes of entry to Japanese market. These are some common modes of entry in the Japanese market. A) It is possible to directly go to Japan and establish a firm. B) Local distributer and partners for the companies.   These are good way of entering to the market at the early stage of the business. c) Specialized business consultant can be hired. The market is matured. This forces the marketer to focus more on keeping the cost low and at the same time performance and features should be maintained. The quick increase in revenue is not possible in the Japanese market. Understanding of Consumer behavior is very important.   In approach ‘A’ one need to justify the stagnant revenue to the investors. After some years of experience in Japanese market, the revenue may grow with steady rate. Plan ‘B’ is a convenient way to enter the market. The reason is that here one is utilizing Japanese resources. However success largely depends on finding right distributor and partners, with good market connections, commitment on financial and operations. 5.  Ã‚  Compare and contrast the Japanese and the American commercials. The difference of American and Japanese advertisements appears to be in the degree and not in kind. The advertisement appeals of these two different countries are different. It is based on general employment of the traditional and respect of elders in Japan. Japanese appeal is based on moral values. The general usage of status is different. American advertisements have consumer based appeal. American advertisement is based on western values. The product merit appeals are higher in American advertisements as compared to the Japanese advertisements. The difference also exists in use of youthful or modernity appeals. Japanese advertisement is based on relationship model. 6.  Briefly discuss the Japanese way of product development The Japanese approach to product development emphasizes continuous technological improvement. It is also aimed at making a successful product and providing better solutions for the consumer needs. They have clear competitive vision of product development. They know what types of investments are required to maintain their market positions. Japanese manufacturers invest their resources into technology development, product development, productivity improvement and quality control and thus making the international market becomes more competitive. They focus on high-quality, high-performance products which are relatively inexpensive against those of the same level offered by European and American competitors and thus their products can be easily available to common man in the market. Japanese identify customer needs and develop new products and roadmaps for technological development on the basis of the same. They use modern technologies for keeping the cost low. They hire trained and skil led people and invest in technology and development of human resources. They emphasize on quality and minimization of the production cost.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Taxation Assignment

Question 1: a>Tax treatment to an individual if his employer was to provide the following benefits in package 1: Rental of apartment $ Salary Airfare for home leave (1trip) (20% x 5000) 1,000 220,000 Employee’s remuneration 221,000 Rental of apartment (housing accommodation benefit) for a non- director will be assessed based on the lower of: the annual value of the accommodation provided or 10% of the employee’s remuneration inclusive of all other benefits except hotel accommodation.Therefore, housing benefit will be assessed at $22,100 because it is assessed based on the lower of (10% x 221,000= $22,100) or annual value of rental apartment of $60,000. Home leave passage According to Singapore tax law, home leave passage is provided by the employer to nonSingaporeans and non-permanent residents, the benefit is assessable to tax based on 20% of the cost to the employer.This concessionary treatment only can apply to ONE return leave passage per annum each for the employee and spouse, and TWO return passage for each child of employee per annum if child should be unmarried, under 16 years old or otherwise receiving full-time education or incapacitated. Therefore, in this package 1, Mr Rouse will be assessed for home leave passage at: 20% x 5,000= $1,000 Relocation passageAccording to Singapore tax law, relocation passages are by concession not a taxable benefit on the employee so that all the relocation expenses is not taxable benefit for Mr Rouse. b> Package 1: $ Salary Annual rental of apartment Home leave passage (20% x 5000) Statutory income Less: donation Assessable income Less : Relief Chargeable income Tax on 1st $160,000 Balance @ 17% (238,100 – 160,000) x 17% 220,000 22,100 1,000 243,100 NIL 243,100 (5,000) 238,100 15,500 13,277 28,777 Less : 20% tax rebate (capped at $2000) Net tax payable (2,000) 6,777 Package 2: $ Salary Statutory Income Less: donation Assessable income Less: Relief Chargeable income Tax in 1st $160,000 Balance @ 17 % 17% x (295,000-160,000) 300,000 300,000 NIL 300,000 (5,000) 295,000 15,500 22,950 38,450 Less : 20% tax rebate (capped at $2,000) Net tax payable (2,000) 36,450 c> Mr Rouse should choose package 1 because in this package, he can receive many benefits as well as many concessionary treatments that can reduce the net tax payable, in order to get higher return than in package 2. > Singapore is a country where the government uses many policies that include many benefits, treat with consideration to attract talents from many the other countries and tax law is not the exception. Therefore, Mr Rouse should choose or ask more benefits instead of only high salary such as house accommodation benefit, home leave passage, relocation passage, transportation benefit, etc†¦. to earn many concessionaries to minimize his statutory income as well as to reduce tax payable. Question 2: a>The relevant dates in shareholder’s continuity test are different for unabsorbed capital allowances and trade losses and donation.Unabsorbed capital allowances can be carried against future profits provided the shareholdings are substantially the same (50% or more) in the 2 relevant dates: The last day of the YA (31 Dec) it arose And The first day of the YA (1 Jan) it is utilized Trade losses and donations can be carried against future profits provided the shareholdings are substantially the same (50% or more) in the 2 relevant dates: The last day of the year it arose (31 Dec of the calendar year) And The first day of the YA it is utilized (1 Jan of YA) b> YA 2008: – Adjusted tax loss (trade loss) YA 2009: – Adjusted profit $40,000 $422,000The shareholders of Feathers Pte Ltd based on % are as follows: 31/12/2007 Ee Mei Sarah 60% 40% 30/9/2008 40% 60% 31/12/2008 40% 60% 1/1/2009 10% 90% Assumption: on 1 Jan 2009, Donald still holds 5000 shares (total shares are 50,000 shares) Therefore, Queens’s shareholders and their shareholdings are as follows: Number of share 31/12/2007 Donald Ee Mei Ee Mei 25,000 20,000 60% x 5,000 = 3000 Sarah 40% x 5,000 = 2000 Total number of 50,000 shares 30/9/2008 5,000 10,000 40% x 35,000 = 14,000 60% x 35,000 = 21,000 50,000 s at 31/12/2008 5,000 10,000 40% x 35,000 = 14,000 60% x 35,000 = 21,000 50,000 1/1/2009 5,000 40,000 10% x 5,000 = 500 90% x 5,000 = 4,500 50,000 Two relevant dates in shareholder’s continuity test for trade loss are 31 Dec 2007 and 1 Jan 2009. Queens’s shareholders and their shareholdings in % as follows: 31/12/2007 Donald Ee Mei 50% {(20,000 + 3,000)/ 50,000} x 100% = 46% Sarah (2000/ 50,000) x 100% = 4% 100% 1/1/2009 10% {(40,000 + 500)/ 50,000} x 100% = 81% (4,500/ 50,000) x 100% = 9% 100%Previous year’s trade loss (adjusted tax loss) in YA 2008 can be carried against YA 2009 current year’s profit because the shareholdings are substantially the same (50% or more) in the two relevant dates of 31/12/2007 and 1/1/2009. YA 2009: $ Adjusted profit Less: trade loss brought forward 422,000 (40,000) Assessable income/ chargeable income 382,000 > Conditions to qualify for the tax exemption for new start-up company: A â€Å"qualifying company† means a company incorporated in Singapore which for each of the first three years of assessment is resident in Singapore for that YA, and has its total share capital beneficially held directly by no more than 20 shareholders: ? ? All of whom are individuals throughout the basis period for that YA or At least one of whom is an individual shareholder holding at least 10% of the total number of issued ordinary shares of the company throughout the basis period for that YA.In the case of a company limited by guarantee: ? ? all of its members must be individuals throughout the basis period for that YA or at least one of its member is an individual throughout the basis period for that YA, and the contribution of that individual under the Memorandum of Association of the company to the assets of the company in the event of its being wound up, amounts to at least 10% of total contributions of the members of the company throughout the basis period for that YA.Question 3: a>The Singapore tax system is considered as a territorial system because income accruing in or derived from Singapore (Singapore sourced) or overseas income received or deemed received in Singapore is assessable to tax. In other words, income that is sourced outside Singapore is not chargeable to Singapore income tax if this overseas income is not received or deemed received in Singapore.One exception to this rule is dividend gain in Singapore. Under the new one-tier corporate tax system since 1 January 2003, tax will only be imposed at the corporate level and all dividends distributed by a Singapore tax resident company will be tax exempt for its shareholders. b> Assumption: basic period is 1/1/200x to 31/12/200x Ms Dinh Tam’s 2-year contract will be from 1/4/2006 to 31/3/2008.Year assessment of Physical presence in Residence Singapore/ period of employment YA 2007 1/4/2006- 31/12/2006 Resident Exercise of employment in Singapore is more than 183 days in the basic period YA 2008 1/1/2007- 31/12/2007 Resident Exercise of employment in Singapore is more than 183 days in the basic period YA 2009 1/1/2008- 31/3/2008 Non-resident Both periods of employment and physical presence are less than 183 days. Remarks c> Mr Tan KL, a Singapore resident, purchased a house in China. He rents it out and the rent is credited into his bank account in Hong Kong by the property agent.It means he receives a rental income in China and this income may be subject to tax in China remitted to Singapore is exempt from Singapore tax. In addition, according to Singapore tax law, all foreign sourced income remitted by INDIVIDUAL RESIDENT in Singapore on or after 1 January 2004 will be exempt from tax. d> Determine whether the following receipts would be considered as income for tax purposes: i>This income will be exempt from tax if Ah Kow is Singapore resident because this income may be taxed in Macau remitted to Singapore is exempt from Singapore tax.In addition, according to Singapore tax law, all foreign sourced income remitted by INDIVIDUAL RESIDENT in Singapore on or after 1 January 2004 will be exempt from tax. ii>   Profits made by a share broker from sale of shares is taxable income because shares are considered as his inventory to make profit therefore it is called revenue receipt for this share broker and that is subject to Singapore tax. iii> Samantha Lee, a teacher made a profit from the sale of her piano is exempt from tax if this piano is her fixed asset and Samantha Lee doesn’t repeat piano buy and sale transaction many times.It means this profit is capital receipt, not revenue receipt and so that it is not taxable. iv> Money received from an unlawful business in Singapore is taxable income because it is revenue receipt and income derived in Singapore so that it is subject t o tax in Singapore. v> Money received from sale of computer by a private school is exempt from tax because computer is considered as fixed asset of this private school. It means this income is capital receipt that is not taxable income.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Sovereign Default risk in the Euro zone A further look at a possible Dissertation

Sovereign Default risk in the Euro zone A further look at a possible exit - Dissertation Example The resulting models which were arrived at using the forward stepwise procedure passed various goodness-of-fit tests as well as other tests of the significance of coefficients. This indicates that both CDS spread and Debt/GDP ratio improved the model’s predictive power in the case of the Euro zone while CDS spread was the only significant factor for Cyprus. Tests of the model using in-sample and out-of-sample data shows that it is capable of predicting default and non-default with a high degree of accuracy. 1.0 Introduction Sovereign default has been present in world economies throughout history. One of the countries that have defaulted in the past is Argentina. Very often, it is the same set of countries that are habitually in this state of economic crisis. The 2008 financial crisis has been described as one of the worst to be felt in this modern age since the Great Depression of 1933 (Your reference here). Its effects are still underway and countries around the world are try ing their utmost to maintain financial stability. One of the newest currency unions and the most powerful in the world; the Euro-Zone, therefore makes an interesting study. One of the single most important events that preceded the spiralling downturn in the 2008 financial crisis is the Lehman Brothers failure on September 15, 2008. Prior to the 2008 financial crisis, the sovereign Credit Default Swap (CDS) market was not as significant as corporate CDS markets. This was due to the relatively stable outlook of developed nations within the Euro Block and the perceived minimal default risk associated with these countries. As a result of the Lehman Collapse, and other proceeding financial institutional failures, large losses worldwide were incurred, which had spill over effects eventually affecting entire economies. This resulted in negative implications for investor confidence and a reduction of credit in the market. The bailouts for these banks by the individual governments could only be made possible by incurring massive amounts of debt (Dieckmann and Plank 2011). This led Governments to increased risk of sovereign default and a global reassessment of credit risk. In turn, CDS in the sovereign market became highly liquid as the uncertainty of these nations became an issue, implying an increase in sovereign credit risk. Since 2012 the Euro zone has been characterized by deepening crises in several countries, some of which have suffered what is described as selective default. These crises have been characterised by increases in CDS spread, increased Debt/GDP ratio and high bond yields. This has led to credit rating agencies such as Moody’s and Standard and Poor’s giving ratings to some of these countries that indicate to investors the risks associated with government bonds. In addition to Cyprus and Greece, some of the countries that have received speculative ratings include Bulgaria, Hungary, Italy, Ireland, Latvia, Estonia, Portugal and Spain (Blo omberg 2013). Concerns have been raised that the ratings given by credit rating agencies are unreliable as the default ratings for Greece in 2012 and Cyprus in 2013 came after the event. The aim of this study is to evaluate the risk of sovereign default in the Euro zone and also to develop an econometric model that is capable of predicting default before the event takes place. This would be very beneficial to

Friday, September 27, 2019

What have you learned about Asian culture (you may wish to distinguish Essay

What have you learned about Asian culture (you may wish to distinguish between various countries and cultures) in this course - Essay Example The discussion will be based on the analysis of a number of films being produced in the region. The films chosen for the analysis are: Seven Samurai by Akira Kurosawa, Hanabi by Takeshi Kitano, Apur Sansar by Satyajit Ray, Salaam Bombay! by Mira Nair, Red Sorghum by Zhang Yimou, and Chungking Express by Wong Kar-Wai. The paper will examine how the variations of Asian culture are presented in these films. Before going into any further discussion on the nuances of Asian culture, it is important to understand what culture means. A general definition of culture argues that the concept of culture can be best described as â€Å"a shared, learned, symbolic system of values, beliefs and attitudes that shapes and influences perception and behaviour. It is an abstract ‘mental blueprint’ or ‘mental code’.† Concepts and ideas of culture can be studied by means of exploring behaviour, customs, material culture (artefacts, tools, and technology), language, etc. of a particular community or region. So to say, culture is a learning process through which a community or society can be studied both at individual and collective levels. This process of learning one’s culture can be labelled as enculturation. One of the characteristic features of culture studies is that there is nothing like a ‘culture of one’, it is a collective possession shared by a ll the members of a society. Commonness in behaviour, customs and other traditional practices can be achieved by mutual construction of a culture by means of a constant process of social interaction. Besides, culture, language and thought are based on symbols and symbolic meanings. Apart from this symbolic nature, the definition of culture features arbitrariness and habitualness as culture is internalized and created by humans. Coming to the more specific discussion of the Asian culture, it is characterized by the concept of cultural variation. Some of the most important ingredients of Asian culture are: Asian art,

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Contemporary Developments in Business and Management Essay - 5

Contemporary Developments in Business and Management - Essay Example It is estimated that retails sales in the sector would go up to  £137bn by 2010 although most of it will be in the convenience sector. The SWOT analysis suggests Asda has plenty of opportunity for growth if it focuses on online shopping, where Tesco has been dominating so far. Internet has penetrated the business environment and e-commerce has become common place but companies are unable to reap benefits because of the challenges it poses. In the UK grocery sector, Tesco once again dominates although its start-up costs were high. Asda did attempt online shopping but did not meet with success. If they change their model of operation and take into account several factors like building customer confidence, assuring online security and privacy and understanding customer needs, they would be able to overcome the challenges posed by e-commerce in grocery retail. The logistics would have to be worked out as well. UK grocery retailing is dominated by large multiple supermarket chains that have influenced the overall grocery retailing sector in the UK. The total retail sales through UK grocery outlets were valued at  £120bn in 2005 out of which the contribution of supermarkets and superstores was  £88bn (Defra, 2006). Retail grocery sector provides 5% of the employment in the UK and the profit margins of the supermarkets ranges between 2 and 6 percent. To achieve the economies of scale these firms operate ten or more stores and under one roof they offer the maximum number of items possible. These stores are based on the concept of self-service. The UK grocery retail is patterned after oligopoly where few major firms like Morrisons, Tesco Sainsbury, Asda and Safeway dominate the sector. They have been able to prevent new entrants into the sector. ASDA, the supermarket chain in the UK retails food, clothing, toys and general merchandise. It 1999, it became the subsidiary of American retail giant Wal-Mart, and it now ranks second largest in UK, second to

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Land law Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Land law - Assignment Example 110,000 without explicitly stating that this was a new mortgage leaving Ben to believe that this was some form of mortgage repackaging. Ali used her accountant, Devi, to talk Ben through the mortgage papers. Devi however made it clear that Ali’s job is dependent upon his cooperation. Ali’s investment then failed and made Ben and her to default on their repayments. Their banker, Cantander Bank, initiated the move to repossess the property so as to recover the mortgage amount but Ben is unaware that he signed a second mortgage and is surprised by the move. Repossession is a legal process where an owner’s right to own a property is terminated usually because he or she has defaulted in payments1. Repossession of a mortgaged property usually occurs when the borrower defaults on the regular payment for sometime as stipulated by the terms and conditions of the lender, in this case Cantander Bank. Following the circumstances involved in this case, the bank has a right to recover the owed amount by repossessing and selling Valiant Villa. It is a straightforward case that the two, being joint account holders, make decisions jointly. The fact that the signatures of both partners were appended in the mortgage is enough evidence that each partner consented. It is not up to the bank to determine how the consent was obtained as this is a private, or even a homely, matter2. The bank can point out that it was Ben’s negligence and/or mistake that cost them their family home. A mistake is an erroneous belief that leads one to believe certain facts are true during contracting3. In this case Ben believed that they were repackaging the first mortgage of ?125,000. The law provides that a contract cannot be rendered voidable because it was caused by a unilateral mistake of this nature. Furthermore, Ben acted negligently when he signed the papers without exercising due diligence to know what he was really signing. Negligence is defined as the failure to exer cise care where an otherwise prudent person would when in a like circumstance4. While the real relationship between Ben and Ali is unclear, it is evident that there is mutual trust. The fact that they hold a joint account also shows the amount of trust and confidentiality between them. However, in matters concerning mortgaging a family home it is expected that one will take due care to read and understand the seriousness and the nature of implication of contract being signed. Ben did not do that, neither did he seek independent legal counsel if he did not understand. The bank therefore reserve the right to reposes the property, sell it and recover the amounts loaned to Ben and Ali. However, Ben can use undue influence as his defence and prevent Valiant Villa from being repossessed by Cantander Bank. This is because the courts of law are courts of conscience, they not only apply the law to the letter but also apply them in such a way that justice is served as in the case of Royal Ban k of Scotland v. Etridge 5. The courts have the obligation to determine how consent was obtained. The manner in which the intention to enter the contract was secured is material in cases of repossession especially of a family home. If the court finds out that the consent was obtained through unacceptable or improper means then the court should not allow such a transaction to stand6. In this case, Ben’s can use the undue influence defence by arguing that his consent was not secured in a proper manner. Since Ali knew that Ben did not approve of her

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Using an Ofsted report for an establishment not known to you, identify Essay

Using an Ofsted report for an establishment not known to you, identify possible future actions to be taken by the school to improve performance - Essay Example Where these were good they contributed to a high level of ICT capability, which pupils developed as they progressed through the school and which they could apply progressively in a range of subject contexts. 13 The layout of computer rooms at Elfed was found to be unsatisfactory, usually because there was no room for pupils to undertake work away from machines. Where there was a flexible and spacious arrangement, this enabled a greater variety of teaching and learning styles in lessons and facilitated better lesson planning in line with the ICT strand of the Key Stage 3 Strategy. 16 Elfed had some provision for technical support. In some cases a permanent member of the support staff had been specifically trained and could assist with both technical and curriculum requirements. Teachers who lacked confidence found this level of support invaluable and were reluctant to use ICT without it. Such support also enabled the ICT coordinator to remain focussed on curriculum and staff training as opposed to non-curricular matters 16 ICT generally impinged on standards in other subjects in indirect ways, for example through improved opportunities for pupils to work collaboratively, creatively and to solve problems. Pupils were interested, enthusiastic and curious about ICT and this contributed to their engagement and motivation, including some who were otherwise reluctant learners. This drove them to explore the potential of ICT, sustained their concentration and promoted their independent learning. However, this was dependent on being part of a well-planned broader context such as appropriate teacher input and support to enable them to use ICT independently and successfully. 17 As the business world continues to reel from the effects brought about by technological change, the UK educational community is now experiencing the challenges associated with the transition to a more learner-personalized, ICT-enabled education. Some

Monday, September 23, 2019

Juvantus football FC Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Juvantus football FC - Essay Example This paper will shed light upon the achievements of Juventus football club. 1 November 1897 was when Juventus football club was founded, they play their home matches at the newly built Juventus stadium, they used to play their home matches at the Delle Alpi stadium earlier but they have recently built a better stadium. Juventus won the European cup twice, the first time they won it was back in the 1984-1985 season, they won it for the second time in the 1995-1996 season. They have been the kings of Italy 27 times which means they have won the Serie A 27 times, they have won the Copa Italia on 9 different occasions. They have won the UEFA Cup once in the 1983-1984 season. They have won the UEFA Super cup twice, the first time was in the year 1984 and the second time was in the year 1996. Alessandro Del Pierro is an Italian Legend just like Paolo Maldini, Del Pierro currently plays for Juventus football club and holds several impressive records to his name. Del Pierro made his 646th appearance in 2010 and it was also a record for an Italian player, he has gone on to make many more appearances since then. Del Pierro is the current captain of Juventus football club. Zinedine Zidane is a legend who hung up his boots after the 2006 FIFA World Cup, Zidane played for Juventus football club. He made 151 appearances for the club and scored an impressive 24 goals for the Italian club. He was sold to Real Madrid football club for a record fee back then. Zidane won the World Cup with France in 1998 and came close to winning it again in 2006 but could not win it because France was beaten by Italy in the final and Zidane was sent off in the final. Gianluigi Buffon is the current keeper of Juventus, the keeper is a very sought-after player. Many top clubs across Europe want to sign the keeper but his high tag becomes a problem time and again for them. He has been playing very

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Criminal Liability -Theft and Fraud Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Criminal Liability -Theft and Fraud - Essay Example The British Criminal Code provides for a number of ways to become involved in the commission of an offence: by actually committing the offence, by aiding and abetting the principal, by engaging oneself with others in a criminal activity with a common intention (Aquinas, 1988) (Ali was participant in Junaid's activity), by counselling another to commit an offence and by being an accessory after the fact. In general, anyone who knowingly encourages or facilitates the commission of an offense or impedes its prevention is a party to the offense (Aquinas, 1988). While one commonly uses the expression "aiding and abetting", the two are different concepts and either of them is ample to engage criminal liability. Whether liability for one's action lies through either concept, it must be accomplished "for the purpose of" aiding or abetting, which simply means "intentionally" as opposed to by accident. There is no need to show that the accused desire the illegal end to occur. One who is indifferent to the fact that his action aids or abets the perpetrator of an offense is therefore guilty. The fact that the principal cannot be convicted is not a block to a successful prosecution of other parties. An attempt to commit an offense is also prohibited.   The acts do not have to be illegal or morally wrong. "Conspiracy is an inchoate or preliminary crime, dating from the time of Edward, but much refined in the Court of Star Chamber in the 17th century. Notwithstanding its antiquity, the law of conspiracy is still uncertain. It can, however, be said that the indictment for conspiracy is a formidable weapon in the armory of the prosecutor. According to the cases, it permits a vague definition of the offense; broader standards of admissibility of evidence apply; it may provide the solution to prosecutorial problems as to situs and jurisdiction: see Director of Public Prosecutions v. Doot, [1973] A.C. 807." These words capture the reality of the conspiracy offense (Aquinas, 1988). The essence of the crime is the agreement between two or more persons to commit an offense. When the agreement is reached, a conspiracy is complete and one cannot withdraw from it. It is irrelevant that the object of the conspiracy is not achieved. A person may become part of a conspiracy by aiding or abetting the conspirators. The Supreme Court of Canada also decided that a conspiracy may be prosecuted in Canada even if the actual crime is committed in another country, as long as there is some important link with Canada. Essentially, theft is committed when anything is fraudulently and without color of right taken or converted with a target to leave without thereof the owner or person who has a special property or concern in it of the thing or his property or concern in it. The intent may be to deprive the person of the property either temporarily or absolutely, although this is not the only proscribed intent.  

Saturday, September 21, 2019

CPT Literary Significance Notes Essay Example for Free

CPT Literary Significance Notes Essay Plot * Liesel, her mother and her brother Werner are all travelling on a train, to greet Werner’s and Liesels foster parents. * Liesel, illiterate has a dream o Adolf Hitler and speaks to him in broken German. * As she is half awake, Liesels brother dies, and there were two Nazi soldiers who argue on weather they leave the body there or take it with them. * Both Liesel and her mother are traumatized by his sudden death and 2 days later he is buried. * After the ceremony finishes Liesel digs at his grave but is dragged away by her mother, but before getting on another train Liesel steals a book she is unable to even read the title of. * She is taken to a place in Munich called Himmel -Heaven to meet Rosa and Hans Hubermann, her foster parents. * She refuses to meet or get out of the car with her suitcase that only contains her clothes and the book she stole from her brother’s gravesite. * The only person that manages to get her out of the care is her foster father. * Liesel feels abandoned by her mother, but understands that it’s better for her to live there and be protected from the poverty; she also learns that her father was a communist, but she doesn’t yet know the meaning of that word. * Liesels foster mother acts harshly upon her and calls her a pig girl when she refuses to bathe, but claims to loves her. * Her foster father, Hans develops a closer relationship with her and teaches her how to roll cigarettes. she starts calling them mama and papa * Liesel got terrible nightmares about her brother the first few months and was accompanied by Hans, who she kept the book hidden from. * She kept the book as a symbol reminding her the last time she saw her brother, and the last time she saw her mother. * Liesel is put in school but has to stay with a much younger grade, just learning the alphabet. When she turns ten she joins the Hitler Youth. * Liesel makes a friend names Rudy who stands up for her when other kids call her stupid. * They always pass Rudy’s fathers tailor shop and a street with broken homes with yellows stars (Star of David) on them. * Jesse Owens is a black runner Rudy is obsessed with, he colours himself black with charcoal and is dragged and lectured at home by his father, saying not to pretend to be black or Jewish because of the racist Nazis * Hans discovers the stolen book and agrees to teach her how to read, even though he himself is a poor reader. * Hans teaches Liesel every night, and continues to comfort her after her nightmares. * Liesel is later put into a class of her own level, but is not asked to perform same tasks because of her teacher, Sister Maria. * the whole class but Liesel is asked to read in front of the class, Liesel insists and is embarrassed in front of the whole class when she is unable to read and beaten by Sister Maria. * Liesel is made fun of by many students but get angry to a point where she beats Tommy and Ludwig up. She is upset about being called stupid and remembering her brother, Rudy walks her home and comforts her. | Character * Death- narrator * Liesel Meminger-(The book thief) a nine year old, steals books even though she doesn’t know how to read. Liesels love for words is incredible. Forced to move in with foster parents, because her mother is unable to keep her safe or take care of her needs. She is determined to be able to read and write. She doesn’t know what is actually happening around her, and the fact that the Nazis and Hitler are taking control and using their power for evil. * Hans Hubermann- Liesel papa, her foster father. She describes him as a very mellow and genuinely nice man, his kindness and gentleness is what makes Liesel close to him, we are told that he is the one that Liesel loves most. Protecting and helping others is what he does, he is a painter and used to be a part in the army. He doesn’t support Hitler or the Nazi but in order to protect his family and show loyalty to his people he applies for a membership multiple times. He is well known and like in the town but some people call him Jew lover He teaches Liesel how to read even though he himself is at 4th grade ability. He makes her feel safe and their relationship becomes very strong. * Rosa Hubermann- Liesels foster mother, her job is to do the ironing and washing for the wealthy people from the town, she is a very cold woman with a very foul mouth. Death tells us that even though she is very harsh towards her husband and Liesel she loves them both very much and deep inside actually has a very big and worm heart. * Rudy Steiner- Is one of Liesel very first and only true friend. He loves Liesel and stands up for her, he keeps her company and is able to cheer her up when she is down, just like how Hans is able to. He was also referred to as the boy who was obsessed with the black American athlete Jesse Owens. * Alex Steiner- Rudy’s father was a part of the Nazi part, only to protect his family. He had nothing against Jews, he found his son coloured black in order to represent Jesse Owens and gave him a lecture that he should be proud to be white, not black. an be proud that he has beautiful blonde hair and big blue eyes, and he should want to be like a black person or a Jew * Hans Junior and Trudy Hubermann- The Hubermanns children, Hans and his father don’t have a close relationship because he does not think his father tries hard enough to join the Nazi party which he supports greatly, and Trudy is a maid and babysitter for the wealthy. * Frau Holtzapel- A neighbour that spit on the Hubermanns door every time she walked past * Sister Maria- A halo surrounded the grim reaper nun beat Liesel for wanting to read in front of the class which she was unable to do, made fun and didn’t believe in Liesel. * | Theme Discrimination- Hitler effected and killed many people, Liesel did not know that, she was unaware of what was happening around her because she was so young, In their town all the Jews were getting their homes and stores shut down and taken away from them. Even if you didn’t support the Nazi party you would have to apply to it to protect your family and yourself from being questioned and killed.Jesse Owens had just completed the 4x100m relay and won his fourth gold medal. Talk that he was subhuman because he was black and Hitler’s refusal to shake his hand were touted around the world. Even the most racist Germans were amazed with the efforts of Owens. Love and Friendship-Liesel and her father bonded and she felt closest to him right away, she was sent to him and his wife because her mother was unable to take care of her, she was mad at her but understood that it was the right thing to do, her love for her mother and brother was indescribable, when her brother died it was as if her world had collapsed, she had constant nightmares about being at his grave site for a long time. Somewhere in all the snow, she could see her broken heart, in two pieces. Each half was glowing, and beating under all that white. | Style/ Literary Devices Discrimination-But you’ve got beautiful bond hair and big SAFE blue eyes, you should be happy with that, is that clear? Metaphor- Rudy’s dad was telling him he should be glad he is neither black nor Jewish, and be thankful that he has blond hair and blue eyes, Hitler’s preference that kept him safe.Love and Friendship-Like cigarettes and kerosene. Sitting in the water, she imagined the smell of it, mapped out on her papas clothes. More than anything, it was the smell of friendship, and she could find it on herself, too. Liesel loved that smell. She would sniff her arm and smile as the water cooled around her. Metaphor- Liesel loved her papa just as much as he loved her, his scent made her feel safe and she felt comfortable, she loved it. She knew that her papa would keep her safe and they would do anything for each other.|

Friday, September 20, 2019

Case Study Of Starbucks In Hong Kong Marketing Essay

Case Study Of Starbucks In Hong Kong Marketing Essay Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1: Research Background and Motivation Hong Kong is a cosmopolitan metropolis, it embodies both Eastern and Western traditions. Due to its rich cultural diversity and transnational lifestyle, the city offers a wide variety of international catering which is served in more than ten thousand coffee shops and food outlets. In recent years, the rapid growth of food and beverage industry in Hong Kong draws more attention from public. According to the results of the 2011 Annual Survey of Economic Activities Restaurant Sectors amounted to HK$89,300 million in 2011, representing an increase of 6% over 2010, and 12% over 2009.( Appendix A) Analysed by Food services, in 2010 total receipts of fast food shops increased in value by 8.4% over 2009, this amounted to HK$18,719.6M. Other eating and drinking services increased by 7.4% in value, this amounted to HK$35,100.8M in 2010. (Appendix B) This result obviously shows that snack and beverage industry continues to expand in the market. Coffee is a very political commodity, Roseberry says. Among coffee men, there is a growing interest in social and environmental issues by the coffee roasters of these organizations. Coffee-consuming-world represents a kind of social lifestyle as it is rooted in centuries in the Western countries. Coffee consumption in Hong Kong is 1.1 kg per capita (World Resource Institute). Nowadays, coffee is not just a pure drink for this modern generation, it is also a symbol of new spiritual lifestyle. Eating or drinking in a coffeehouse is not only a demand for coffees quality, taste and convenience, but also pursuit of fashionable leisure and elegant lifestyle. In the popular cultural discourses, Starbucks is described as driving out local coffee shops. It imposes a standardized culture on local communities, and invites consumers into a social gathering place. This culture presents the values, beliefs, customs and tastes produced or practiced by this group of people. (Solomon, Marchall Stuar t, 2008) Snacking with colleagues or friends after work provides a major socializing opportunity in Hong Kong. Young customers prefer to visit coffee shops for leisure time. Even working people are likely to use the coffee shops as their work places. Coffee shops provide an informal setting for social encounters, and more importantly these structured environments do not command a great deal of time or money from the customers, this is a small but significant move to redefine this new lifestyle in Hong Kong. Starbucks Coffee Company is the leading retailer, roaster and brand of specialty coffee in the world. There is a total of 17,003 stores in the world (as of 02 Oct. 2011) and 115 stores in Hong Kong, since its first store launched in Centrals Exchange Square in May 2000. (Appendix C) Starbucks brings the coffee experience to you! This is what Starbucks commits, and indeed, it has established as the linchpins of a desirable coffee shop experience, a systematic influence on the socio-cultural. (Craig J. Thompson,2004) In Starbucks stores, people can be immediately associated with a relaxed and intelligent experience, this is just the image of Experiential Branding which Starbucks creates. Every aspect from the posters to the Starbucks logo gives the experience it intends to portray. It is the calm atmosphere which the brand presents that not only draws people into the store, but also makes people linger and return more regularly! What is Experiential Branding? It is a discipline of how consumers understand and define the brands in terms of the experience they deliver and the lenses through which they are evaluated. Experiences are a fourth economic offering. Pine and Gilmore describe in the Experience Economy in 2003, if the consumer buys the experience, he will spend time to enjoy a series of memorable events and engage himself in his personal way. Good examples are Ritz-Carlton which offers new value to its customers in hospitality experiences by its welcome gifts; and Apple which provides in-store Genius Bars to build a remarkable experience for its customers. Yet in 2006, Robert Passikoff argues in his book Predicting Market Success that the 4P Marketing Mix cannot work effectively without Customer engagement, Customer expectations and Customer loyalty(3C). These initiatives have conspired dramatically to take place of 4P Marketing Mix in todays economic world. Nowadays more and more people focus on quality of life as they are not just living for food and warmth(Pine Gilmore,1998), they are now looking for a higher spiritual experience which is a kind of environmental service to decrease their stress from work. Many researches on marketing management are for strategies, products, services, customer loyalty, customer satisfaction, and so on, but not too many on experiential marketing and branding. Although there are a lot of studies and researches on Starbucks, some other well-known companies are even less researched on Customer Experience in Hong Kong. This research will further the previous study structure to investigate the connections among Customer Experience, Brand Image and Customer Loyalty, and hope to find out how Starbucks carries out its commitment and how it strives to win the customers loyalty in this competitive market. 1.2 Research purposes Western lifestyle has been popular in Hong Kong for decades due to its special historical background. The new generation especially, eats out more often than their parents, and these new consumers have created a huge demand for leisure and carefree consumption places. As a pioneer in most new markets in the world, Starbucks seized the new information in Hong Kong and set up its first store in 2000. By May 2008, it had expanded to over 100 stores without spending much cost on advertising for this market! How actually does it attract these local consumers? Due to the economic development, the improved living standards, Goods and services are no longer enough (Pine Gilmore,1998). Todays consumers expect more from companies than ever before. The consumer environment has been gradually changed into a new experience economy era. People are seeking for a more spiritual than material experience. Catering has changed to a culture and art as customers pursue a modern and playful lifestyle. To survive in this new competitive economy, the company must not only concentrate on market strategies, brand image, innovation features, service quality, decoration and setting, but also a full range of service process planning, so as to create continuous profits for the business. Based on this researchs background and motivation, business operators have emphasis on quality of product, innovation of management, and service differentiation to create the customer experience in this keen competitive catering industry. Tom Peters (2007) believes a good brand image can attract the consumers recognition and enhance customer satisfaction gradually, to obtain customer loyalty by every positive experience. This research targets 10 Starbucks stores randomly in Hong Kong, to explore the customers experience, brand image, and loyalty, so as to find out what consumers experience on this new lifestyle, and gain in-depth understanding to develop effective marketing strategies, and to maximize the customers perceived experiential value. 1.4.1. Customer: It means a party that receives or a person who consumes products or services and he has the ability to choose between different products and suppliers. Robert Passikoff (2006) interprets that usually customers can finally find out below 4P: The Products(services) that they are interested in. The Places this product may be purchased. The Prices are competitive or not. The power and control of Promotion. Though, one important point to be noticed is that a customer does not mean a consumer, as there are External Customer and Internal Customer(Tennant,2001). External Customer is not directly connected to the organization. Internal Customer is a person who directly connects to the organization, and they may be stakeholders. In this research, customer means the person who spends money in Starbucks stores in Hong Kong. 1.4.2. Customer Experience: It refers to individuals accumulating to produce a kind of experience after a period of time or activities, by this experience, a subjective psychological state will be created(Pine Gilmore,1998). In this study, the experience is defined as a subjective mental emotional response, evaluation and cognition to Starbucks. Experience begins with an interaction between the customer and the product or the company(Dinna LaSalle,2003), thus, it cannot happen without the customers involvement. Customers spend time and money to get more memorable or more highly valued experiences (Pine Gilmore,1998), the value of experience lingers in the memories, yet experience results in thoughts or feelings and both can be positive and negative. Marketers manage to develop the positive experience. Moreover, if the company can deliver Value Experience to a customers life, that product or service will transcend its ordinary price to become extraordinary or even priceless! (Dinna LaSalle,2003) For this reason, economists summarized the recent marketing and economic research into happiness as experiences over commodities and entertainments. (Pine Gilmore,1998). Starbucks creates a calm atmosphere inside its stores to attract people to come in, linger and return. It introduces the concept of the Third Space a space other than home and work, where people can spend time studying, working on their laptops, reading, meeting friends or even holding their formal meetings! All stores have leather couches for those people who prefer to relax in comfort, and for those who want a more structured environment to study or work, there is a choice of tables with hard-backed chairs. Just like Starbucks says: Life happens over the coffee. 1.4.3. Brand image: This refers to the enterprise that provides products, services or engaged in community, it also relates to information and subjective impression in the consumers opinion.(Walters,1978) Starbucks maintains a unique coffee culture, as Zhang Xi says in Starbucks: The Kingdom of Coffee (2005), Coffee comes from west, Starbucks originates in the United States, but the culture of Starbucks coffee is from the world. This culture starts at the planting of every single coffee bean, as Howard Schultz persists in coffee quality, then merged with the traditional romantic European style of decoration in the stores, it comes out with a brand new experiential corporation culture, which is so-called today Starbucks Culture. Howard Schultz led a speech from the lectern in Shanghai National Accounting Institute on 3 June 2006, he tells the audience that Starbucks spends very little on advertising or promoting, but Statbucks brand image is recognized by everyone in the world! This is a practical example to explain when Experiential marketing is done right, the brand can be successful without expensive advertising campaigns or slashing its price! 1.4.4. Customer loyalty: This is a kind of satisfaction established by a customers full acceptance at the intended level. It also results in consumption or other derivative positive support behaviour. Customer loyalty metrics can measure how the consumer engages with a new product or service(Robert L. Desatnick,1988). Peter Drucker says, Those brands relying on advertisements cannot be better than those relying on customer loyalty. Thats why without customer loyalty and higher levels of engagement, business cannot be successful. Below are the examples that to recognize customer loyalty is a great profitable factor: Starbucks: Starbucks originally opened in Seattle in 1971 as a store that sold coffee beans equipment. Since Howard Schultz joined the company in 1983, the brand name now owns more than 17,000 stores, in over 55 countries around the world. This is just the best evidence that loyal customers contribute to the rapid growth of the business. Google: Have you ever noticed that Googles IPO price was US$85 on Aug 19, 2004? Today it is worth US$ 655.76 per share, that is an increase of 7.7 times over eight years. Its success has great relevance to its Google Loyalty Programs. Apple: How many people could ever have imagined the speed and growth of Apple? From its annual report in 2011, its net sales amount comes to US$46,333 Million, compared to 2010 which was US$26,741 Million, it has increased by 73% within ONE year. It is not easy to find if Apply offers any loyalty programs or discounts, but indeed Apple can win its fans loyalty through its rapidly changing products! It meets customers expectations and excitement.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Essay --

Of all the cuisines to choose from, I have decided upon the country of Spain from Europe and Laos from Asia. Lao cuisine is the closest to Hmong food, which is my ethnicity. The Hmong people do not have their own country to call their own, for example Lao people are from Laos and Spanish people are from Spain. Hmong people are not from Mongolia. Instead a majority of Hmong people resides in the mountains of Laos. Some live in Cambodia, Thailand, France, or the U.S. of A. Spain has influenced a large part of world cuisine. It’s techniques and ingredients have been intertwined with the rest of the world for thousands of years. Spain is in the southwestern part of Europe and to the east of the Mediterranean Sea. There are a large variety of fruits and vegetables grown in Spain. Food From Spain lists peaches, cherries, ioquats, apricots, nectarines, plums, apples, pears, grapes, wheat, and olives as fruits grown in Spain. There are also many others, but these specific fruits are only from Spain. A Melocoton de Calanda is a Spanish peach found in northeastern Spain. Cerezas de la Montana de Alicante is a sweet red cherry found in the jerte Valley in Extremadura of Spain. Ioquats are sweet, slightly acidic, and have a strong leathery skin. Certain types of apricots, nectarines, and plums also come from Spain. Apples from Asturias, Castile-Leon, and Catalonia of northern Spain are â€Å"generally considered superior (foodfromspain).† Pears are originally from Asia Minor, but grow well in inland Spain. Grapes, wheat, and olives play a major role in Spanish cuisine as well. Grapes are used for wine and oil. Olives are in abundance and are eaten and used for oil. Olive oil serves many uses in Spanish cuisine. Typica... or grilled and low in fat. Spain has a more abundance of olive oil allowing them to create heartier meals. Spanish foods uses oil to deep fry, make emulsions, and create bases such as Sofrito. Spanish food is therefore heartier, but is higher in fat than Lao cuisine. Regardless of their differences both cuisines are delectable. Lao cuisine may not have influenced a great deal of the food world as Spain has; instead it has taken slight influences from Cambodia, Thailand, and Vietnam. These are two very different cuisines and offer a lot of different flavors and styles. The contrasting cuisines come from the different products they have available and cooking methods. Although both countries are in the eastern hemisphere, the different products are due to the region, climate, and soil type. Regardless of their differences both cuisines are delectable. â€Æ' Essay -- Of all the cuisines to choose from, I have decided upon the country of Spain from Europe and Laos from Asia. Lao cuisine is the closest to Hmong food, which is my ethnicity. The Hmong people do not have their own country to call their own, for example Lao people are from Laos and Spanish people are from Spain. Hmong people are not from Mongolia. Instead a majority of Hmong people resides in the mountains of Laos. Some live in Cambodia, Thailand, France, or the U.S. of A. Spain has influenced a large part of world cuisine. It’s techniques and ingredients have been intertwined with the rest of the world for thousands of years. Spain is in the southwestern part of Europe and to the east of the Mediterranean Sea. There are a large variety of fruits and vegetables grown in Spain. Food From Spain lists peaches, cherries, ioquats, apricots, nectarines, plums, apples, pears, grapes, wheat, and olives as fruits grown in Spain. There are also many others, but these specific fruits are only from Spain. A Melocoton de Calanda is a Spanish peach found in northeastern Spain. Cerezas de la Montana de Alicante is a sweet red cherry found in the jerte Valley in Extremadura of Spain. Ioquats are sweet, slightly acidic, and have a strong leathery skin. Certain types of apricots, nectarines, and plums also come from Spain. Apples from Asturias, Castile-Leon, and Catalonia of northern Spain are â€Å"generally considered superior (foodfromspain).† Pears are originally from Asia Minor, but grow well in inland Spain. Grapes, wheat, and olives play a major role in Spanish cuisine as well. Grapes are used for wine and oil. Olives are in abundance and are eaten and used for oil. Olive oil serves many uses in Spanish cuisine. Typica... or grilled and low in fat. Spain has a more abundance of olive oil allowing them to create heartier meals. Spanish foods uses oil to deep fry, make emulsions, and create bases such as Sofrito. Spanish food is therefore heartier, but is higher in fat than Lao cuisine. Regardless of their differences both cuisines are delectable. Lao cuisine may not have influenced a great deal of the food world as Spain has; instead it has taken slight influences from Cambodia, Thailand, and Vietnam. These are two very different cuisines and offer a lot of different flavors and styles. The contrasting cuisines come from the different products they have available and cooking methods. Although both countries are in the eastern hemisphere, the different products are due to the region, climate, and soil type. Regardless of their differences both cuisines are delectable. â€Æ'

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The gallery report :: Essays Papers

The gallery report â€Å"The poisoning of the American south by Richard Misrach†Ã¢â‚¬  Since the late ‘70s, Richard Misrach has been known for his large format, eight by ten inch color photographs of the Nevada desert. His epic series of 18 Cantos or groups, of photographs range from lyrical to political. The west was a vision or absolute purity, Misrach tries to temper that reverence with the truth about mom’s occupation of the land. In 1999, Misrach accepted a commission from Atlanta’s High museum of art as part of their â€Å"Picturing the South†. He chase to photograph Louisiana’s infamous cancer alley, for decades oil refineries and fertilizer plants have dumped their pollutions into the Mississippi river along this 150-miles stretch between New Orleans and Baton Rough. The Mississippi is the dominant river basin North America and drains more that 1.2 million square miles or about 40 percent of the continental United State. It provides 18 million people with drinking water, 1.5 million in Louisiana alone. The Salton Sea The Nature Trail on the West Shores of the fabulous Salton Sea is a three mile adventure along the shores of the Sea. Visitors can see a mixture of birds, native cacti, and wild flowers. The West Shores bird sanctuary borders on the beautiful greens of the Salton City Golf Course. The Bird Watch and Nature Trail, by a MAJOR FLYWAY, is host to over 250 species of birds and 96 accidentals. Migratory birds include Canada geese, snow geese, American avocetes, eared grebes, black-necked stilts, green-winged teals, brown & white pelicans, Scott's orioles, redstarts, burrowing owls, mountain plovers, long-billed dowitchers, long-billed curlews, marsh wrens, and ruddy ducks. Every year the Salton Sea International Bird Festival attracts thousands of bird lovers from around the world. Gentile da Fabriano, â€Å"Adoration of the Magi† Palla di Noferi Strozzi commissioned this famous altarpiece, signed and dated 1423 on the frame, for his family's chapel in the church of Santa Trinita in Florence. Wealth and culture of the donor are reflected in the lavish use of gold and in the pomp of the Magi procession, including also exotic animals as leopards and monkeys. If in this picture clearly emerges the persistence of International Gothic at the beginning of 15th Century, in the meanwhile the panel is ahead of its time showing in the propeller’s scenes (Nativity, Rest during the Flight into Egypt and Presentation to the Temple) one of the basic innovations of Renaissance art: the blue sky at the place of the traditional gold background

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Schneck vs United States :: essays research papers

Schenck vs. United States- 1919 HOLLIES, J. This is an indictment in three counts. The first charges a conspiracy to violate the Espionage Act of June 15, 1917 . . . by causing and attempting to cause insubordination, &c., in the military and naval forces of the United States, and to obstruct the recruiting and enlistment service of the United States, when the United States was at war with the German Empire, to wit, that the defendants willfully conspired to have printed and circulated to men who had been called and accepted for military service under the Act of May 18, 1917, a document set forth and alleged to be calculated to cause such insubordination and obstruction. The count alleges overt acts in pursuance of the conspiracy, ending in the distribution of the document set forth. . . . They set up the First Amendment to the Constitution forbidding Congress to make any law abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, and bringing the case here on that ground have argued some other points also of which w e must dispose. It is argued that the evidence, if admissible, was not sufficient to prove that the defendant Schenck was concerned in sending the documents. According to the testimony Schenck said he was general secretary of the Socialist party and had charge of the Socialist headquarters from which the documents were sent. He identified a book found there as the minutes of the Executive Committee of the party The book showed a resolution of August 13, 1917, that 15,000 leaflets should be printed on the other side of one of them in use, to be mailed to men who had passed exemption boards, and for distribution. Schenck personally attended to the printing. On August 20 the general secretary's report said, "Obtained new leaflets from printer and started work addressing envelopes" &c.; and there was a resolve that Comrade Schenck be allowed $125 for sending leaflets through the mail. He said that he had about fifteen or sixteen thousand printed. There were files of the circular in questio n in the inner office which he said were printed on the other side of the one sided circular and were there for distribu|tion. Other copies were proved to have been sent through the mails to drafted men. With; out going into confirmatory details that were l proved, no reasonable man could doubt that the defendant Schenck was largely instrumental in sending the circulars about.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Total Quality Management of McDonald’s

Introduction Started Out as a small drive through in 1948 by two brothers Dick and Mac McDonald. McDonald's expanded its operations to countries outside the U. S. A (119 Countries and Over 33000 outlets. In addition McDonald opens a new restaurant in every three hours Total Quality Management in McDonald's Total Quality Management is an enhancement to the traditional way of doing business. It is a proven technique to survival in the world class competition. Only by actions of the management will the culture and actions of an entire organization be transformed.TQM is for the most part common sense. Analyzing the three words, we have Total= Make up the Whole Quality=Degree of excellence a product or service provides Management= Act, art or manner of handling, controlling, directing etc. McDonald's also practice the strategy of total quality management and tries to enhance its efficiency & affectivity level by working in different areas such as- Product Quality-McDonald's works a lot in the quality improvement of its goods by improving ingredients and nutrients of the food stuff.Training-In the next step of TQM, McDonalds puts it attention on its human resources. The objective of training their human resources is to create a balance in the overall working of employees. Thus they try to create a connection between the quality of a product and the ability of the employees. Continuous Improvement-The quality management strategies of McDonalds for product quality improvement and employee training and development put the company on the road of continuous improvement in all its functions.Continuous improvements fulfill the needs of the customers according to their desires or requirements and also make its products more competitive. Customer Satisfaction-. The improved quality standards, well trained employees and a continuous learning desire of McDonald results in increased level of satisfaction of the customers. Like when the quality is improved and the personnel atten ding the customers is well trained and the overall service environment is improved then there is no room left for customer dis-satisfaction

Distinction of Sex and Gender

1. The sex/gender distinction. The terms ‘sex’ and ‘gender’ mean different things to different feminist theorists and neither are easy or straightforward to characterize. Sketching out some feminist history of the terms provides a helpful starting point. 1. 1 Biological determinism Most people ordinarily seem to think that sex and gender are coextensive: women are human females, men are human males. Many feminists have historically disagreed and have endorsed the sex/ gender distinction.Provisionally: ‘sex’ denotes human females and males depending on biological features (chromosomes, sex organs, hormones and other physical features);‘gender’ denotes women and men depending on social factors (social role, position, behaviour or identity). The main feminist motivation for making this distinction was to counter biological determinism or the view that biology is destiny. A typical example of a biological determinist view is that of Ged des and Thompson who, in 1889, argued that social, psychological and behavioural traits were caused by metabolic state.Women supposedly conserve energy (being ‘anabolic’) and this makes them passive, conservative, sluggish, stable and uninterested in politics. Men expend their surplus energy (being ‘katabolic’) and this makes them eager, energetic, passionate, variable and, thereby, interested in political and social matters. These biological ‘facts’ about metabolic states were used not only to explain behavioural differences between women and men but also to justify what our social and political arrangements have to be.It would be inappropriate to grant women political rights, as they are simply not suited to have those rights; it would also be futile since women (due to their biology) would simply not be interested in exercising their political rights. To counter this kind of biological determinism, feminists have argued that behavioural and psychological differences have social, rather than biological, causes. For instance, Simone de Beauvoir famously claimed that one is not born, but rather becomes a woman, and that â€Å"social discrimination produces in women moral and intellectual effects so profound that they appear to be caused by nature†.Commonly observed behavioural traits associated with women and men, then, are not caused by anatomy or chromosomes. Rather, they are culturally learned or acquired. Although biological determinism of the kind endorsed by Geddes and Thompson is nowadays uncommon, the idea that behavioural and psychological differences between women and men have biological causes has not disappeared. In the 1970s, sex differences were used to argue that women should not become airline pilots since they will be hormonally unstable once a month and, therefore, unable to perform their duties as well as men (Rogers 1999, 11).More recently, differences in male and female brains have been said to explain behavioural differences; in particular, the anatomy of corpus callosum, a bundle of nerves that connects the right and left cerebral hemispheres, is thought to be responsible for various psychological and behavioural differences. 1. 2 Gender terminology In order to distinguish biological differences from social/psychological ones and to talk about the latter, feminists appropriated the term ‘gender’.Psychologists writing on trans sexuality were the first to employ gender terminology in this sense. However, in order to explain why some people felt that they were ‘trapped in the wrong bodies’, the psychologist Robert Stoller (1968) began using the terms ‘sex’ to pick out biological traits and ‘gender’ to pick out the amount of femininity and masculinity a person showed. Along with psychologists like Stoller, feminists found it useful to distinguish sex and gender.This enabled them to argue that many differences between women and men were socially produced and, therefore, changeable. For instance Gayle Rubin's thought was that although biological differences are fixed, gender differences are the oppressive results of social interventions that dictate how women and men should behave. Women are oppressed as women and â€Å"by having to be women† (Rubin 1975, 204). However, since gender is social, it is thought to be changeable and adjustable by political and social reform that would ultimately bring an end to women's subordination.Feminism should aim to create a â€Å"genderless (though not sexless) society, in which one's sexual anatomy is irrelevant to who one is, what one does, and with whom one makes love† (Rubin 1975, 204). In some earlier interpretations, like Rubin's, sex and gender were thought to complement one another. The slogan ‘Gender is the social interpretation of sex’ captures this view. Nicholson calls this ‘the coat-rack view’ of gender: our sexed bodies are like coat racks and â€Å"provide the site upon which gender [is] constructed† (1994, 81).Gender conceived of as masculinity and femininity is superimposed upon the ‘coat-rack’ of sex as each society imposes on sexed bodies their cultural conceptions of how males and females should behave. This socially constructs gender differences – or the amount of femininity/masculinity of a person– upon our sexed bodies. That is, according to this interpretation, all humans are either male or female; their sex is fixed. But cultures interpret sexed bodies differently and project different norms on those bodies thereby creating feminine and masculine persons.So, this group of feminist arguments against biological determinism suggested that gender differences result from cultural practices and social expectations. Nowadays it is more common to denote this by saying that gender is socially constructed. This means that genders (women and men) and gendere d traits (like being nurturing or ambitious) are the â€Å"intended or unintended product[s] of a social practice† (Haslanger 1995, 97). But which social practices construct gender, what social construction is and what being of a certain gender amounts to are major feminist controversies.There is no consensus on these issues. (See the entry on Intersections between Analytic and Continental Feminism for more on different ways to understand gender. ) 5. Conclusion This entry first looked at feminist arguments against biological determinism and the claim that gender is socially constructed. Next, it examined feminist critiques of prevalent understandings of gender and sex, and the distinction itself. In response to these concerns, the final section looked at how a unified women's category could be articulated for feminist political purposes and illustrated (at least) two things.First, that gender — or what it is to be a woman or a man — is still very much a live is sue. Second, that feminists have not entirely given up the view that gender is about social factors and that it is (in some sense) distinct from biological sex. The jury is still out on what the best, the most useful or (even) the correct definition of gender is. And some contemporary feminists still find there to be value in the original 1960s sex/gender distinction.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

My Drum Major Instinct Essay

Stalking is a very serious matter, despite society’s tendency to trivialize the experiences of many female victims. There have been numerous overlooked cases in which female victims have been stalked for various amounts of times and taken action to have the stalker removed, just to have him/her eventually come back up in some sort of manner. Many top box office hits have the clichà © plot of the stalker who murders the girl, but people don’t realize that stalking is a real problem many actually face. There have been quite a few of these incidents, maybe not resulting in murder, but still uncomfortable for women to deal with, close to my community. Just recently in Hamilton, Ohio, a sexual predator was arrested for counts of stalking teen girls by driving by their homes multiple times, texting them up to 80 times per day, and watching them exit school. This is why I want to take the initiative to be a drum major for peace, justice, and righteousness for women in surroun ding communities who are dealing with unwanted contact or stalking. To be a drum major is to be a leader. Leaders take the time to go out of their way and stand up for what they believe in. Leaders take the initiative and set the standard for people to follow. To be a drum major for women, the first task is awareness. Anyone trying to get a point across must first make people aware of the problem and their cause for reaching out. The problem is that many women find themselves being stalked, file restraining orders, and still don’t get the justice they are searching for. Some women even change their whole identity to hide from their stalker in fear of getting hurt. To make people aware of this, one must take the initiative reach out to the common people. This might include going to churches, local meetings, or even starting my own organization to make people aware of the problem. The second thing I must do is writing and actually acting upon the problem. I must write to local officials, to state officials, and finally to the nation’s Congress. If I write letters to each of these, my point will be made. It would help to have other people on my bandwagon to help write, or maybe even sign petitions. That is where more awareness and reaching out come in. Once I get enough people to realize the problem is serious and that they could help save millions of women’s lives, then I would consider myself a leader in my cause. The final thing I must do to further my cause is to keep on with it. In order to be a drum major for peace, justice, and righteousness in my community for women, I must stick with my intentions and keep my values strong so that hopefully one day laws will be changed and justice will be served.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Importance of Information Communication Technology in Technical Education

IMPACT OF THE USE OF INTERNET ON TECHNICAL COLLEGE VOCATIONAL STUDENTS’ ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE IN OGUN STATE, NIGERIA ABSTRACT This study is designed to determine the impact of the use of internet on technical college vocational students’ academic performance in Ogun State, Nigeria.The purpose of the study among other things focuses on identifying the attitudes of students toward the use of internet; to determine the purpose of internet usage by students; to find out the intensity of internet usage by students and to find out whether the use of internet improves the academic performance of students or not. Survey method was adopted the research. Data were collected from one hundred and forty (140) technical college students in seven (7) technical colleges Ogun State, Nigeria. Means and standard deviation were used to answer the research questions.Interviews were also conducted with students to compliment the data collected The findings of the study reveals that most of th e secondary school students access computer connected to the internet through the use of the cyber cafe or settings open to the public; the students spend more of their time outside the school and their homes to use the internet; female students are more disposed to the use of the internet for social networking than their male counterparts; most of the special sites students visit on the internet are not for academic engagements or school work; most of the devices used are connected to the internet through the use of modem and the use of internet technology show significant relationship with students academic achievement and it motivates the students to get along with schoolwork. The study however recommended that technology should be embraced in all technical colleges in Ogun State, Nigeria.KEYWORDS: World Wide Web, Internet, Technology, Modem, and Devices INTRODUCTION Technical colleges of today have come of age in this new information revolution. From the time they started elemen tary school, the World Wide Web existed. Many of them were using the Web early in their school careers. Technology is now used throughout the world for gathering information, keeping records, distance learning, and global collaboration for lifelong learning and work. Its pervasive use cut across almost all aspects of modern life including business, industry, communication and entertainment warrants continued efforts on the part of educators to positively prepare students for participation in a technological world.The Internet is one of the greatest recent advancement in the world of information technology and has become a useful instrument that has fostered the process of making the world a global village. The internet provides several opportunities for the academia. It is a mechanism for information dissemination and a medium for collaborative interaction between individuals and their computers without regard for geographic limitation of space. The word Internet is derived from two words: â€Å"international† and â€Å"network†. The Internet therefore can be defined as an international computer network of information available to the public through modem links so internet is a worldwide system of linked computers networks.The Internet is the world’s largest and most widely used network. It is an international network of networks that is a collection of hundreds of thousands of private and public networks all over the world. There are rich and varied learning experiences available on the Internet that would have been inconceivable just a short while ago. The investigators observed that research reports and articles on the effectiveness of technology in the student-learning environment reflect a variety of opinions and conclusions. On one end of the continuum, supporters cite research studies showing the positive impact of technology on student learning. On the other end, critics present Importance of Information Communication Technology in Technical Education IMPACT OF THE USE OF INTERNET ON TECHNICAL COLLEGE VOCATIONAL STUDENTS’ ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE IN OGUN STATE, NIGERIA ABSTRACT This study is designed to determine the impact of the use of internet on technical college vocational students’ academic performance in Ogun State, Nigeria.The purpose of the study among other things focuses on identifying the attitudes of students toward the use of internet; to determine the purpose of internet usage by students; to find out the intensity of internet usage by students and to find out whether the use of internet improves the academic performance of students or not. Survey method was adopted the research. Data were collected from one hundred and forty (140) technical college students in seven (7) technical colleges Ogun State, Nigeria. Means and standard deviation were used to answer the research questions.Interviews were also conducted with students to compliment the data collected The findings of the study reveals that most of th e secondary school students access computer connected to the internet through the use of the cyber cafe or settings open to the public; the students spend more of their time outside the school and their homes to use the internet; female students are more disposed to the use of the internet for social networking than their male counterparts; most of the special sites students visit on the internet are not for academic engagements or school work; most of the devices used are connected to the internet through the use of modem and the use of internet technology show significant relationship with students academic achievement and it motivates the students to get along with schoolwork. The study however recommended that technology should be embraced in all technical colleges in Ogun State, Nigeria.KEYWORDS: World Wide Web, Internet, Technology, Modem, and Devices INTRODUCTION Technical colleges of today have come of age in this new information revolution. From the time they started elemen tary school, the World Wide Web existed. Many of them were using the Web early in their school careers. Technology is now used throughout the world for gathering information, keeping records, distance learning, and global collaboration for lifelong learning and work. Its pervasive use cut across almost all aspects of modern life including business, industry, communication and entertainment warrants continued efforts on the part of educators to positively prepare students for participation in a technological world.The Internet is one of the greatest recent advancement in the world of information technology and has become a useful instrument that has fostered the process of making the world a global village. The internet provides several opportunities for the academia. It is a mechanism for information dissemination and a medium for collaborative interaction between individuals and their computers without regard for geographic limitation of space. The word Internet is derived from two words: â€Å"international† and â€Å"network†. The Internet therefore can be defined as an international computer network of information available to the public through modem links so internet is a worldwide system of linked computers networks.The Internet is the world’s largest and most widely used network. It is an international network of networks that is a collection of hundreds of thousands of private and public networks all over the world. There are rich and varied learning experiences available on the Internet that would have been inconceivable just a short while ago. The investigators observed that research reports and articles on the effectiveness of technology in the student-learning environment reflect a variety of opinions and conclusions. On one end of the continuum, supporters cite research studies showing the positive impact of technology on student learning. On the other end, critics present

Friday, September 13, 2019

Sweden in Review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Sweden in Review - Essay Example Sweden is located in Northern Europe within the Scandinavian region. It is between Finland and Norway in the north, and borders the Baltic Sea, the Gulf of Bothnia, Kattegat and Skagerrak in the other sides. The country experiences temperate climate in the south, with notable cold, cloudy winters as well as, cool and partly cloudy summers in the northern region. The family unit is extremely significant in Sweden as it defines issues such as children rights and care. For instance, the father or mother is entitled to a leave until the newly born child reaches age of 18 months. Sweden presents a very family friendly environment in most establishments where structures such as play areas for children are observed. The parents have right of up to 60 days off to care for their children when sick, indicating the significance of the parental role. The society is observably modernized, with each family unit living independently, within the urban regions. In the interior settings, the family ob serves nuclear setting of living. The society of Sweden also observes the role of courtship and marriage which take notable grace time for the partners in the relationship. However, the concern of the female and male roles remains as males are evidently paid better and have more leverages in the social setting. The female roles of being the nurtures does not prevent them from undertaking social responsibilities. The Education Act in Sweden regulates the school system to ensure that there is secure and friendly learning environment for the students.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Bacterium Capsule Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Bacterium Capsule - Research Proposal Example It is a layer that lies outside the cell wall of bacteria, it is well organized and it is not easily washed off. This makes it diffuse through the tracheal system. Its slime layer diffuses into the surrounding medium as a loosen-demarcated secretion. The capsule usually consists of polysaccharides and is water soluble thus dissolves in the moisturize tracheae through the spiracles. Thus they are difficult to stain using standard stains as they do not adhere to the capsule (Chapman, 2004). Since the capsule remains pale and colorless, it is difficult to be detected and appears as a ring around the cell. The tracheae are water filled as they consist of a permeable membrane of the surrounding tissues which make the capsule soluble since it is water soluble. The water level, however, retracts due to the increase in the concentration of lactic acid found in the muscle cells during the respiration system. The capsule contains external chemical sensors which therefore detects the concentration of lactic acid, lowering the water potential in the system which is then drawn back into the cells through osmosis process while the capsule gets closer to the muscle cells. While the diffusion pathway is reduced as a result, the capsule can then be transferred more easily through the tracheal. The bacterium capsule is typically stimulated for easy movement throughout the system. The neurosecretory cells made in the cell body consist of the prothoracic gland which acts as circulatory s ystem storage gland and hormonal control of insect molting (Ulrich, 2009).

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

United Nations and Israel Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

United Nations and Israel - Research Paper Example The adoption of this Resolution involved 13votes against none however, two countries never participated, and this included China and Iraq (Zunes 24). Resolution 452 by the UNSC This resolution came into existence in July 20 1979 and was concerned with Israeli settlements evident in Golan Heights, Jerusalem, Gaza Strip and West Bank, which, mainly focused on discussing the illegality of these settlements. The resolution further condemns the illegality of the settlements and is in violation of the 4th Geneva Convention that relates to ensuring civilian are protected, in times of War. The resolution further called on Israel to stop the construction of more settlements in the occupied territories; in essence, this resolution was passed by 14 votes, however; there was 1 abstention by the United States (Zunes 24). Resolution 465 by the UNSC This resolution was passed unanimously in March 1st of 1980 in regard to issues that concerned the Israeli settlements and how the territories occupied by the Arab is administrated and which, also included Jerusalem. The Arab territories as discussed in this resolution included areas such as, Gaza Strip where, the Israel state controls. As a result of reflecting on the report regarding Resolution 446 adopted in 1979, the Council criticized Israel for lack of co-operation and highlighted on concerns regarding settlement policy adopted by Israel within the Arab territories which, led to a recall of five resolution and further recalled on Israeli government and its civilians to dismantle illegal settlements. This resolution further c ondemned Israel for its act of issuing a travel ban for Hebron’s Mayor Know as Fahd Qawasma who, was supposed to travel to the Security Council. The Council requested Israel to lift the ban so as to allow the Mayor to present at the United Nations Headquarters. This resolution as adopted in 1980, and gave the commission a mandate to further assess the situation in particular, the occupied territories and monitor how the resolution is being implemented. This resolution further called on countries to avoid providing assistance to Israel and in particular, assistance that was directly channeled to the occupied territories (Gilland 27). Resolution 468 by the UNSC This resolution came into existence in May 8, 1980 following the recall of Geneva Convention. The Council was concerned about the act by Israel to expel Hebron and Halhoul’s Mayor, and the expulsion of Hebron’s Judge concerned with Sharia. This resolution asked Israel to stop enacting illegal measures and a ssist in returning the elected or appointed individuals to resume their duty. The Council further sought the indulgence of the Secretary-General to assist in monitoring and ensuring this resolution is implemented. This resolution sailed through after approval from 14 votes, but the United States did not vote in regard to adopting this resolution (Zunes 26). Resolution 487 by the UNSC Implemented in June 19, 1981 the Council convicted Israel for attacking a nuclear site in Iraq that was approved by the IAEA; therefore, this resolution articulated for a cessation in regard hostile activities. The resolution further approved Iraq’s claim for compensation and implored Israel to accept the IAEA safeguards for its nuclear facilities. In the 70s, Iraq acquired a nuclear reactor that

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Public Relations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 7000 words

Public Relations - Essay Example This study examines the public relations campaign used by Cafe Royal with a view to identifying how public relations is conducted in practice and how theory is adopted to this practice. This research can therefore explain and expound on theory and theory development in public relations and its coordination with marketing communications. The results of the study are discussed with reference to previous studies and public relations theory. Recommendations are made. Table of Contents Abstract 2 Introduction 4 Research Questions 5 Significance of the Study 6 Aim and Objectives 6 A Review of Literature 7 Public Relations Theory 7 Previous Studies: Coordinating Public Relations and Marketing Strategies 12 Methodology 15 Case Study 15 Data Collection 17 Results 18 Background and History 18 Public Relations 18 Analysis/Discussion 22 Recommendations 27 Conclusion 28 Bibliography 30 Introduction Public relations refers to communication techniques used by an organization to manage its image and relationship with the public. In this regard, the public includes government, the community and the external environment generally (Hendrix & Hayes, 2010). Thus, public relations can be distinguished from marketing where the focus is narrowed to selling the organization and its products and services to consumers. Public relations is broader and contemplates the organization’s image and relationships with a number of different factions of the public. However, public relations can be incidental to or part of a marketing function, particularly in the hotel industry (Kandampully & Suhartanto, 2003). The hotel and hospitality industry in general encompasses â€Å"diverse† public factions that they need to communicate with in any public relations programme (Deuschl, 2006, p. 24). The public factions important to hotels are employees, the community in which they operate, the international community and guests (Deuschl, 2006). According to Hutton (1999), the dimensions, natur e and definition of public relations is not clearly defined in the literature as there is no real consensus of what it is and how it works in practice. Regardless, there are a number of important themes emerging in the literature that provide a clearer focus of what public relations involve. The common themes are: trust building, generating interests and attention, building relationships, â€Å"creating mutual understanding†, expressing and modifying interests, â€Å"influencing public opinion†, tempering tensions, and â€Å"creating consensus† (Nessmann, 1995, p. 154). The definition and dimensions of public relations are particularly important to the hotel sector as research typically explores the link between hotel image and customer loyalty/customer satisfaction (Line & Runyan, 2012; Kandampully & Suhartanto, 2003). In this regard, public relations theory which focuses on the link between relationship management and the achievement of organizational goals pr ovides a conceptual framework for understanding and identifying how public relations can be used to retain and recruit customers in any sector (Ledingham, 2006). Current examples of public relations in practice provides the best evidence of what public relations are and how they are conducted in practice (Hendrix & Hayes, 2010). Therefore, in order to identify and provide an understanding of the link between public

Monday, September 9, 2019

The New Testament and Culture Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The New Testament and Culture - Research Paper Example Racial mix up has reduced ethnic differences as communities continue coming to a common understanding of the New Testament. Professional athletes have also been depicted as a falsely glorified group. The glorification has been portrayed as a short-lived affair that lasts as long as the professionals remain popular in the game. There after, they are forgotten. Parables in the New Testament have been illustrated as awe inspiring narratives that carry their own meaning. They are portrayed as having a significant impact on literature. Hofsted defines culture as a tool that the mind applies to guide a person’s day to day activities and interactions with others. He believes that culture is a collective aspect of a population that has occupied a particular social environment where individuals learn unique norms and also develop standards that guide their behavior. These behaviors make a distinction between cultures since all individuals in a particular culture share norms and customs (Hofstede, 65). The New Testament conflicted most of the cultural practices especially those concerned with worship. Generally, societies had their own way of worship and believed in supernatural powers that influenced their existence. For example, God was regarded as the Supreme Being and the giver of life, similar to the belief in the New Testament. However, the ways of worship changed when people could no longer speak to God and offer sacrifices in shrines. The New Testament emphasizes on new ways of worship and faith as well as adoration of people with unique talents such as those of modern athletes. Ethnic practices such as traditional dance, marriages and burial rights among other aspects of traditional lifestyles were overshadowed by the New Testament (Johnson, 112). The New Testament had a great influence on social identity of communities globally. When people belong to a certain social grouping, they develop a sense of

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Illegal Immigration Instigate More Crimes Research Paper

Illegal Immigration Instigate More Crimes - Research Paper Example Some immigrants come to the United States specifically with the intention to destabilize the peace of the society whereas some immigrants start doing criminal activities when they do not find jobs or any kind of work in the countries where they migrate. However, people should not think negative of all immigrants because the nature and activities of every person are not the same. It is only a small number of immigrants who are actually involved in criminal activities. Some reports say that 12 to 15 percent of immigrants become involved in illegal activities. Drug trafficking is also one of the most critical issues associated with large-scale immigration to the United States of America. Go states, â€Å"The US suffers an annual loss of about 70 billion dollars due to drug-related illnesses, death, and drug-related crimes†. Drug trafficking is a business which earns a lot of money not only to the drug dealers but also to all other people involved in this business. Researches show that approximately 13.2 million illegal immigrants living in the United States are Mexican-Americans and a large number of them are drug dealers. Illegal immigrants come to the United States to earn good money but due to lack of documents, they fail to get jobs and get involved in drug trafficking. â€Å"Many are simply coming to the United States to look for work but are accosted, and they become subjects of the drug cartels† (CNN Wire Staff). Here, we must say that it is just a small percentage of the illegal immigrants become victims to drug dealers. Most of the immigrants are hardworking and careful individuals who obey the social, political, and labor laws and regulations of the foreign countries. Reports confirm that U.S. GDP may increase by 0.75 percent annually due to large-scale immigration. â€Å"Immigrants bring innovative ideas and entrepreneurial spirit to the U.S. economy† (Griswold). Apart from the positive and negative aspects of illegal immigrants, the government of America needs to maintain a proper check on the activities of all immigrants. Moreover, the border control mechanisms should also be improved in order to stop people from entering the country illegally.